If you don't live inside a cavern you should know about what's happening with the amazon rain forest, a massive fire column that consume everything it touch is destroying the great forest that exist in Brazil.
The amazon rain forest not only keep our country from turn in to a desert but also helps to maintain the constant rain in Brazil, therefore we must protect the amazon rain forest to pretect ourselves.
Otávio F.
Imagem: Are the Amazon fires a crime against humanity?
The fire that consumes our lifes
If you don't live inside a cavern you should know about what's happening with the amazon rain forest, a massive fire column that consume everything it touch is destroying the great forest that exist in Brazil.
The amazon rain forest not only keep our country from turn in to a desert but also helps to maintain the constant rain in Brazil, therefore we must protect the amazon rain forest to pretect ourselves.
Otávio F.