1.energy sources
2. images 1, 3 and 4
3. image 2
1.Brazil's main sources of energy today are hydroelectric energy, petroleum, coal and biofuels.
2.Hydroelectric plants advantages: supposedly help combat climate change, as reservoirs would have the capacity to absorb greenhouse gases. Petroleum advantages: it doesn't require a lot of manpower, raw material with over 300 products, easy storage and transportation. Coal advantages: one of the cheapest fossil fuels, both in power generation and in the extraction process of this ore. the amount of electricity produced from coal is not very large, but it is considered much more reliable than other forms of energy. Unlike alternative sources of energy such as solar and wind energy, this source is not at all dependent on weather conditions. Biofuels advantages: the low cost of its acquisition, the non-emission of sulfur dioxide, which is so polluting to the environment, the ash remains less environmentally aggressive than those from fossil fuels, the lower environmental danger.
3.Hydroeletric disadvantages:for the installation of this type of plant and construction of dams, which curb the course of rivers, it is necessary to flood large areas.Petroleum disadvantages:it produces atmospheric pollution, depletion of deposits, exhaustible source of energy and degradation of the environment. Coal disadvantages:numerous harmful gases, including carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and ashes, are released into the environment when coal is burned to produce energy. in fact, it tends to emit twice as much CO2 as other fuels. Biofuels disadvantages: deforestation of forests, in addition to habitat destruction; It has a lower calorific value when compared to other fuels; Liquid biofuels contribute to the formation of acid rain; Difficulties in transporting and storing solid biofuel.
no, because even with some cheaper options, the environment is very polluted by the gases emitted by these sources. People could make peaceful demonstrations to show rulers the danger that air is exposed by these sources of energy.
1.energy sources
2. images 1, 3 and 4
3. image 2
1.Brazil's main sources of energy today are hydroelectric energy, petroleum, coal and biofuels.
2.Hydroelectric plants advantages: supposedly help combat climate change, as reservoirs would have the capacity to absorb greenhouse gases. Petroleum advantages: it doesn't require a lot of manpower, raw material with over 300 products, easy storage and transportation. Coal advantages: one of the cheapest fossil fuels, both in power generation and in the extraction process of this ore. the amount of electricity produced from coal is not very large, but it is considered much more reliable than other forms of energy. Unlike alternative sources of energy such as solar and wind energy, this source is not at all dependent on weather conditions. Biofuels advantages: the low cost of its acquisition, the non-emission of sulfur dioxide, which is so polluting to the environment, the ash remains less environmentally aggressive than those from fossil fuels, the lower environmental danger.
3.Hydroeletric disadvantages:for the installation of this type of plant and construction of dams, which curb the course of rivers, it is necessary to flood large areas.Petroleum disadvantages:it produces atmospheric pollution, depletion of deposits, exhaustible source of energy and degradation of the environment. Coal disadvantages:numerous harmful gases, including carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and ashes, are released into the environment when coal is burned to produce energy. in fact, it tends to emit twice as much CO2 as other fuels. Biofuels disadvantages: deforestation of forests, in addition to habitat destruction; It has a lower calorific value when compared to other fuels; Liquid biofuels contribute to the formation of acid rain; Difficulties in transporting and storing solid biofuel.
no, because even with some cheaper options, the environment is very polluted by the gases emitted by these sources. People could make peaceful demonstrations to show rulers the danger that air is exposed by these sources of energy.