Hi, how are you? My name is Lanna Siqueira and I am 11 years old. In my school we have an English class with teacher Raphael Santos. In one of the classes we did page 39 as an activity, she talked a little about Podcasts. Podcast is a medium that transmits information, just like the newspaper and the radio. But Podcast is still growing in countries, especially in Brazil.
I hope you liked my text that I talked about Podcast, thanks and bye.
Hi, how are you? My name is Lanna Siqueira and I am 11 years old. In my school we have an English class with teacher Raphael Santos. In one of the classes we did page 39 as an activity, she talked a little about Podcasts. Podcast is a medium that transmits information, just like the newspaper and the radio. But Podcast is still growing in countries, especially in Brazil.
I hope you liked my text that I talked about Podcast, thanks and bye.