Hi! My neighborhood is busy, it's called Floresta and there are lots of cool things
Resultados da busca:
my neighborhood has a lot of trades, and the noise of cars doesn't bother me
My neighborhood is called silveira and a residential neighborhood and has three schools. There are two squares next to my building and it's not too noisy
My neighborhood is noisy but at the same time is quiet, because its a hospital area, but there isn't many cars at morning and evening. In my neighborhood there are many places that can be used like reference points like bakeries, a school and other places. Its a pretty nice neighborhood, I like this place.
My neighborhood is very cool and have everything that my family need. There is a supermarket, pharmacy, bakery and I am very happy in live there.
My neighborhood is very quiet, there are not many houses and it is very cold, because I live near the mountains.
My neighborhood has everything I need, shops, bakeries, pharmacies, restaurants and more. It's a great neighborhood!