1) 1- The sushi has it Japonese origin, the pizza is Itallian, Moussaka is of Greece, Paella from Spain, Tacos from Mexico and the Green Stew Curry has it origin in Thailand.
1) 2- Yes, I already tried pizza.
2) 1- Yes, the most common are pizza and sushi.
2) 2-Many of these foods are modified in my country. Others are still equal to their income from their country of origin.
2) 3- Many change small things like some ingredients or seasonings and can change even the way people prepare.
2) 4- Because many ingredients used in your home country are not found elsewhere.
1) 1- The sushi has it Japonese origin, the pizza is Itallian, Moussaka is of Greece, Paella from Spain, Tacos from Mexico and the Green Stew Curry has it origin in Thailand.
1) 2- Yes, I already tried pizza.
2) 1- Yes, the most common are pizza and sushi.
2) 2-Many of these foods are modified in my country. Others are still equal to their income from their country of origin.
2) 3- Many change small things like some ingredients or seasonings and can change even the way people prepare.
2) 4- Because many ingredients used in your home country are not found elsewhere.