1. Where is your text going to be published? On a blog, in a school newsletter etc.?
My text will be published in a blog.
2. Who is going to read your text? Teenagers from your country, teenangers from other coutries etc.?
Teenangers from my country will read my text.
3. Wich aspects of your culture do people consider really important? Make a list
1. the farroupilha’s week
2. the carnival
3. The samba
4. The bumba-meu-boi
5. The folklore
6. The soccer
4. wich of them are you going to focus on? Choose three
I’ll focusin farroupilha’s week, the soccer and the mos popular party, the carnival.
5. Do you want to encourage people to visit your coutry? Do you want to sound alarming? What overall message do you want to convey?
Yes, I want to encourage people to come to my country.
I want to sound alarming.
And I want to pass the message of a country with many cultural events.
2. Write a draft of your text:
Brazil is a very cultural country, in the states there is a great cultural diversity, for example in the Farroupilha’s week in Rio Grande do Sul. In the Rio de Janeiro city there is the most powerful carnival, but it is not only there, but in the whole country, as well as the soccer
1.Plan your instructional text:
1. Where is your text going to be published? On a blog, in a school newsletter etc.?
My text will be published in a blog.
2. Who is going to read your text? Teenagers from your country, teenangers from other coutries etc.?
Teenangers from my country will read my text.
3. Wich aspects of your culture do people consider really important? Make a list
1. the farroupilha’s week
2. the carnival
3. The samba
4. The bumba-meu-boi
5. The folklore
6. The soccer
4. wich of them are you going to focus on? Choose three
I’ll focusin farroupilha’s week, the soccer and the mos popular party, the carnival.
5. Do you want to encourage people to visit your coutry? Do you want to sound alarming? What overall message do you want to convey?
Yes, I want to encourage people to come to my country.
I want to sound alarming.
And I want to pass the message of a country with many cultural events.
2. Write a draft of your text:
Brazil is a very cultural country, in the states there is a great cultural diversity, for example in the Farroupilha’s week in Rio Grande do Sul. In the Rio de Janeiro city there is the most powerful carnival, but it is not only there, but in the whole country, as well as the soccer